Sewage, cassava wastewater and abattoir wastewater were subjected to different temperatures
for a period of six days and analyzed for BOD on a daily basis. Results obtained show that cassava and abattoir wastewater need even more severe treatment than sewage before disposal. BOD constant k’1 for sewage at 150C was found to be less than those of cassava and abattoir wastewater at the same temperature. However, above 150C, k’1 for sewage was found to be more than those for cassava and abattoir wastewaters. The values k’1 for cassava and abattoir wastewaters were found to be close (between 0.397 day-1 and 0.44 day-1) for all temperatures investigated. Arrhenius constant was found to be 1.194, 1.002 and 1.004 for sewage, cassava wastewater and abattoir wastewater respectively. The study also shows that the conventional 5- day BOD at 200C is probably being overrelied on as cassava wastewater and abattoir wastewater were found to attain maximum BOD5 removal at 270C.
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