
  • A. S. Ogbuagu, Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
  • K. A. Anumonye, Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
  • J.O. Ogbuagu, Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka


In recent time, there is increasing concern for the presence of toxic metals in fruits imported to Nigeria. Nine imported fruits: peach dessert, pear packham, plums red, pomegranate, Kiwi
fruits, nectarine, apricots, Clementine and lemon were collected from a popular shopping mall on three different occasions and analysed for Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Chromium (Cr) and Arsenic (As), using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Results showed that Arsenic had the highest occurrence in Plum red, Apricot and Lemon (7.927±0.010, 7.740±0.007 and
7.301±0.001ppm) respectively. Mercury occurred in highest in pear, then pomegranate and Clementine (4.152±0.051, 2.197±0.001 and 1.946±0.006 ppm) respectively. High values of lead and Chromium occurred in almost all the samples. When compared with Codex standard Hg (0.10 ppm), Pb (0.10 ppm), As (0.50 ppm) and Cr (0.30 ppm), the values were
mostly high indicating the high content of these toxic metals in imported fruits.


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