Poor rankings in development indices and poor achievement of MDGs characterize African countries in the mid-term assessment of MDGs in 2007/8. This study reviews the poor integration of STI in Africa and implicates it for the poor achievement of MDGs in the continent. To address the situation, it is recommended that African countries should build, establish, develop or upgrade their ICTs infrastructures, which contribute towards socio-economic sustainable development; embark on aggressive and massive creation of awareness for natural science and technology related careers from the basic to senior secondary education system, in order to have feeder student population for natural science and technology courses in tertiary institutions in African countries; and confront head-on and urgently some unfavourable African attitudes and environmental factors, including marginalizing women from science and technology-based professions, epileptic electricity power supply, immoral and corrupt uses of ICTs and other factors, which impede the integration of STI.References
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